Here are a few links that are useful. These are good to know about. We have found optimal settings for our recomended build. These are the settings that Junior World Champion Oscar Nilsson will use during the 2019 season. You can find a BetaFlight Dump below. The tune was refined with the help of blackbox logs and Plasmatree to analyze the data.
Betaflight is the open source control software that runs on your flightcontroller. Betaflight uses what’s called PID’s and filters to regulate the quad in the air.
Default settings are meant to work on all quads. That means that it can be tuned for just your quad. All quads have a unique optimal tune. Below is what we have found to be the optimal tune for MAD-S with our recommended components.
Please check the Tuning page for settings and more information.
Plasmatree is an opensource project that helps to analyze your settings in Betaflight. This is very usefull to ensure that the tune is optimal. There is a dedicated community that are willing to provide help with analysing the data on github. To learn how to use it you can also watch some of UAV Tech’s videos. They are filled to the brim with information about Plasmatree.
UAV Tech
UAV Tech is a youtuber which makes videos about PID tuning and filters. He has been very helpfull in developing the communitys knowledge about the inner workings of flight controllers. What he and others have found is that if you can put your filters cutoff frequency higher they create less delay. Less delay leads to a cleaner and better flight feel.
What we have done to be able to push the cutoff frequencys higher is to make the frame stiffer. By doing this we push our resonance frequency higher which in turn allows us to turn of some filters and move other up.